Family Code of Conduct

Camp Quality is committed to providing a safe environment for everyone, and any form of child abuse, neglect or disrespect will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

This Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) applies to all family members, 18 years of age and older, participating in any Camp Quality activity. The purpose of the Code is to outline expected behaviour, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for your family and others. All parents / guardians and siblings, 18 years of age and older, have a responsibility to review, understand and agree to act in accordance with this Code by signing below. Any individual or family not meeting the standards in this Code may be asked to leave an activity immediately.

Camp Quality culture

Camp Quality is a not-for-profit organisation giving kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again. Camp Quality’s services and programs specifically support children aged up to 15 years, dealing with their own cancer diagnosis, or the diagnosis of someone they love. You agree to act with decency, dignity and in good taste; in a manner supporting Camp Quality’s objectives and reflecting our values of optimism, integrity, celebrating life, accountability, and excellence.

Safety culture

You will take responsibility and reasonable care to ensure that risks/hazards you encounter on any Camp Quality activities are immediately reported to a Camp Quality representative, to avoid injury or illness to you or others.

Safeguarding children & young people

Camp Quality is committed to providing a safe environment for children and young people in our care.

Camp Quality employees and volunteers have progressed through a thorough recruitment and onboarding process, including safeguarding children and young people training. To protect your children, whilst on our programs, when you are absent, we ensure there are always at least two adults present (who have completed safeguarding children and young people training) with all children.  Please note that activity providers, parents and siblings are not required to undergo the same processes as employees and volunteers such as Working With Children or Police Checks.

In line with our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, you agree to:

  • Establish and maintain boundaries with others’ children, especially regarding physical contact;
  • Notify a Camp Quality representative if you encounter inappropriate conduct from a child, employee, volunteer or any other person connected with Camp Quality;
  • Immediately notify a Camp Quality representative if a child discloses information which indicates they may be at risk of harm, abuse or neglect;
  • Ensure your own children are always adequately supervised;
  • Advise a Camp Quality representative prior to leaving and returning to an activity / event;
  • Not take photos of other children without consent from their parent/guardian.
  • Not give out your personal contact details (including phone number) to children (contact details may be shared between parents);
  • Not engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities);
  • Use appropriate language and tone of voice in the presence of children and adults;
  • Not buy or give presents or gifts to other children;
  • Notify and seek approval from a Camp Quality representative prior to attending a Camp Quality activity / event or office if you or any other members of your household currently have symptoms of, are unwell, or been exposed to a communicable illness within a two-week period, including COVID-19, viral infection, gastro, influenza, chicken pox, measles, or shingles;
  • Not take illegal substances or bring alcohol to Camp Quality programs;
  • Not smoke cigarettes, including e-cigarettes, unless away from the group (in a designated area) and not while wearing any Camp Quality branding;
  • Not provide other kids or adults with medications including over-the-counter medications; and
  • Not Invite any person to an activity without prior consent of a Camp Quality Representative.

Family Fun Days/Family Camps

You understand and agree that the supervision of your children/family is your responsibility when you are present at Camp Quality events, unless otherwise directed by a Camp Qualityrepresentative. You are responsible for ensuring all family members abide with this Code of Conduct. You understand that there will be no medical team present at these events and, thatyou are responsible for your family’s medical care.

Human rights and equal opportunity

You agree to treat all people involved with Camp Quality with respect, fair treatment and to not engage in any type of discriminatory behaviour against another person.

Social media

You agree you will not:

  • be friends with or engage with other Camp Quality children under the age of 18 on any social networking sites; and
  • publish / upload photos of Camp Quality children on any social networking sites.


Designated Camp Quality employees or representatives are responsible for all media activity.

You are not permitted to contact the media or release any names, photographs, or articles to any media organisation without first securing the written permission of the Camp Quality CEO or National Media & Communications Manager.


Updated: July 2024