The benefits of laughing


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More ways to get laughter into your day

Laughter can boost our oxygen intake, improve artery function and increase the brain’s production of feel good chemicals called endorphins. Read 10 practical tips on how to bring more laughter into your life.

10 Ways to Laugh More

More resources

Text saying digital fatigue next to a photo of a smartphone

How to clear your mind

When our brains are in overdrive, we can experience memory problems and find it more difficult to think clearly, to plan and to control our emotions. We’ll show you three ways to overcome your cognitive overload and leave your mind feeling clear, centred and ready to conquer the day.


What is optimism?

Is it more than wearing rose-coloured glasses? Well, Tegan is back to teach you more about what it is and how we can be more optimistic!

The art of Savouring

5 simple ways to savour the good and be happier!

Join Jodi in our Fresh Squeeze of Oranges and learn the art of savouring! Disagreements and negativity can cause you to feel stressed and rundown. But, research has shown that learning how to savour everyday things can disrupt this cycle and help you to be happier and healthier.