Camp Quality brings positivity, fun and laughter back into the lives of kids impacted by cancer.

Camp Quality kid, Harry smiles wearing a purple feather boa.

What does Camp Quality do?

Our services and programs help families build optimism and resilience through community, education and fun. We are there for kids (0-15 years) dealing with their own cancer diagnosis, or the diagnosis of a sibling or parent, every step of the way.

We’re proud to have improved the quality of life for kids facing cancer, and their families, for almost 40 years. We do this through our innovative Puppet Programs, Hospital Programs, and Recreation Programs. Camp Quality also provides online services and resources that are available 24/7 – whenever and wherever they are needed.

Puppet Programs

A child in a hospital bed with a Camp Quality puppet next to them

Hospital Puppet Playdates

Camp Quality’s Hospital Puppet Playdates are visits from our puppets to kids on cancer wards, providing therapeutic laughter and fun. Learn how they boost the wellbeing of kids facing cancer.

Two Camp Quality kids sat on a hospital bed using a tablet device

Digital Puppet Playdates

Digital Puppet Playdates bring the fun-loving Camp Quality Puppets to children isolated by cancer via their personal electronic device.

A puppeteer and Camp Quality Puppet perform to school children

Cancer Education Program

Our Cancer Education Program visits primary and preschools to deliver cancer education that dispels myths about cancer. Our puppet shows can decrease bullying, absenteeism and mental health issues.


Hospital Programs

A Child Life Therapist shows a book to a child who is sat up in a hospital bed

Child Life Therapy

Camp Quality sponsored Child Life Therapists provide medical play techniques that build understanding, resilience and empowerment to support kids undergoing cancer treatment.

A Camp Quality kid smiles while holding their Beads of Courage in hospital

Beads of Courage

Camp Quality’s Beads of Courage program at Randwick Children’s Hospital and John Hunter Hospital, provides kids with unique beads to track their courageous cancer story.


Are you a health care professional?

Are you a social worker, child life therapist, nurse, doctor or other health care professional working with kids and families impacted by cancer? Find out more about how Camp Quality helps, and how to refer someone to our programs and services.

Information for Health Professionals

Recreation Programs

A family in hard hats and harnesses preparing to go on the flying fox at a Camp Quality family camp

Family Camps

Family Camps enable the whole family to enjoy quality time together and reconnect. They are a chance to build a supportive community with other families facing cancer.

A child is wrapped up warm in pink snow gear, holding a snowball

Family Experiences

At Camp Quality laughter is the best medicine. Our family experiences provide tickets to games and events free of charge so the family can laugh and make happy memories away from the stresses of cancer.

A family shows off their art work at a Camp Quality Family Fun Day

Family Fun Days

Camp Quality’s Family Fun Days are free, one-day events that create happy memories not centred on illness for families facing cancer.

Children at a Camp Quality Kids' Camp

Kids’ Camps

Kids’ Camps mean children impacted by cancer get to enjoy the fun times that childhood should be all about: friends, adventure and laughter.

A family paddle in the sea at a Camp Quality retreat

Family Getaways

Camp Quality Getaways provide families facing cancer the opportunity to go away on holiday, relax and make positive memories.

A young girl looks at her tablet device with delight, hands clasped to her face

Virtual Camps

Camp Quality’s Virtual Camps are live-streamed, online entertainment experiences, bringing the fun of camp to kids isolated by cancer and their siblings.


Online Services and Resources

Silhouette of a family walking towards the sunset on the beach

Cancer Hub

Visit, or call 1800 945 215 today, to get the practical and emotional support your family needs to cope with cancer.

Two kids at a Camp Quality camp stand smiling with their arms around each others shoulders

Counselling Services

Camp Quality and Canteen provide a free telephone counselling service for parents impacted by their own cancer diagnosis, or their child’s.

A young boy looks at the Kids' Guide to Cancer app on his tablet device

Download the Kids’ Guide to Cancer app

Our free Kids’ Guide to Cancer app is an award-winning educational platform that answers the most common questions children have about cancer.

A family hug each other on the beach

Parenting Through Cancer

Camp Quality and Canteen have launched the Parenting Through Cancer website, providing access to free professional telephone counselling and online support.

A mum smiles at her daughter at a Camp Quality camp

School Resources

Camp Quality’s teacher resource pack, aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework, is a guide to help teachers navigate cancer in the school community. We’ll send it straight to your inbox.

A health care professional sits at the bedside of a child with cancer in hospital

Health Care Professionals

Are you a social worker, child life therapist, nurse, doctor or other health care professional working with kids and families impacted by cancer?

Register your family today
Could your family benefit from all of Camp Quality’s fun and supportive services and programs?
A mother and daughter play mini golf at a Camp Quality Family Camp