Infectious Diseases Vaccination Policy

1. Policy Statement

1.1 The Infectious Diseases Vaccination Policy aims to ensure a safe environment for our employees and volunteers engaging with children and their families in a hospital or health care setting, where vaccination against identified diseases is mandated.

1.2 Camp Quality has a responsibility to ensure any frontline personnel entering sites, where vaccination is required, maintain their up-to-date immunisation.  This list may be altered from time to time by the external partner.

2. Definitions

2.1 Serology is the diagnostic examination of blood serum especially in relation to the response of the immune system to infectious diseases.

2.2 Vaccination is the treatment via a vaccine to produce immunity to an identified infectious disease or pathogen.

2.3 Required vaccinations are those mandated by the relevant hospital or health care setting under their policies and procedures for partnering organisations.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 General Managers

3.1.1 Final review and approval of policies.

3.1.2 Ensuring legislative and legal requirements have been adequately addressed.

3.1.3 Consultation with employees and Volunteers about health and safety issues in the workplace, including policies as required.

3.1.4 Dissemination and communication of approved policies using approved policy format.

3.1.5 Organisational support to ensure successful implementation of policy.

3.1.6 Request managers or employees to review or develop policies as appropriate.

3.1.7 Seeking expert advice on policy matters as required.

3.1.8 Maintaining and implementing the Policy Review Schedule.

3.1.9 Conducting themselves in line with Camp Quality polices.

3.1.10 General obligations of Employees and Volunteers.

3.2 Line Managers

3.2.1 Review policies and provide input as requested.

3.2.2 Consult with employees or Volunteers about health and safety issues in the workplace, including policies as required.

3.2.3 Conduct themselves in line with Camp Quality polices.

3.2.4 Comply with obligations under the relevant workplace health and safety framework.

3.2.5 Ensure Employees and Volunteers are aware of and understand policies.

3.2.6 Support Employees and Volunteers to comply with this policy.

3.2.7 General obligations of Employees and Volunteers.

3.3 Employees and Volunteers

3.3.1 Review policies and provide input as requested.

3.3.2 Consult with volunteers regarding policies as required.

3.3.3 Conduct themselves in line with Camp Quality policies.

3.4 Policy, Practice and Procedure

3.4.1 The following are identified as Camp Quality’s front-line teams or personnel who may be required to engage with Camp Quality families in a hospital or health care setting in the course of their employment:

  • Puppet Programs team members
  • Recreation Programs team members
  • Community Fundraising and Events team members (with a member of
    the Services & Programs team)

3.4.2 Before access is provided by the partnering hospital or health care provider, the employee will be required to adhere to the vaccination policies and related procedures of the relevant organisation.  This includes, but may not be limited to:

  • undertaking serology tests to identify the necessary vaccinations required, to adhere to the hospital or health care provider’s vaccination policy;
  • completing a program of vaccination pending immunisation status;
  • completing hospital documentation to provide details of immunisation
    dates and currencies;
  • completing any associated inhouse induction and training (eg. hand
    washing); and
  • reviewing and acknowledging acceptance of any other hospital policies and procedures to be adhered to by visitors.

3.4.3 Any costs incurred by the employee in the process to obtain serology tests, medical appointments and the required vaccinations themselves will be reimbursed by Camp Quality.  Any additional vaccinations obtained by the employee (that are not required by the relevant hospital or health care provider) will be at their own expense.

3.4.4 Any time needed during working hours to attend appointments for the purpose of achieving vaccination will be considered time worked and is not to be taken as a period of leave..

3.4.5 Any Camp Quality volunteers joining an employee at a hospital visit will also be required to adhere to the relevant hospital’s vaccination policy.

3.4.6 The use of volunteers should be carefully considered for reasons of practicality and to limit the potential need for extensive vaccination – particularly given the long lead times to achieve full immunisation status.

3.4.7 Use of Camp Quality volunteers in hospitals and other health care settings with staff should be limited to registered clinicians or other volunteers who are able to provide proof of full immunisation under the hospital’s policy, without further action.

4. Record keeping and maintenance

4.1 Camp Quality acknowledges that vaccination records and information are private.

4.2 Employees consent to their vaccination status being retained by the People & Culture team securely on their individual electronic human resources file.

4.3 The People & Culture team will advise employees when their information is being shared with the relevant hospital or health care provider.

4.4 The People & Culture team will notify the relevant hospital or health care provider when an employee is no longer employed by Camp Quality.

4.5 Any changes to policy or procedures advised by the relevant hospital or health care provider will be shared with employees as soon as practicable.