Why a better attitude can help you grow


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Two mums laugh together at a Camp Quality family camp

The benefits of laughing

The health benefits of laughter – what’s in it for you? We need more research to truly understand laughter’s benefits but studies so far suggest that laughter can be good for both body and mind.

A Camp Quality kid claps at a camp

What to expect when registering with Camp Quality

Camp Quality gives kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again. By registering with us you get access to free hospital programs, online programs and more!

Text saying digital fatigue next to a photo of a smartphone

How to clear your mind

When our brains are in overdrive, we can experience memory problems and find it more difficult to think clearly, to plan and to control our emotions. We’ll show you three ways to overcome your cognitive overload and leave your mind feeling clear, centred and ready to conquer the day.